The significance of interior design has increased in the past couple of years owing to the pandemic. Being cooped inside for such a long period made us realise the immense impact design has on the human psyche. Interior design has the power to affect our emotional and mental well; hence designers now are moving toward creating more empathetic spaces. Designing the interiors has evolved and is more than passing trends. Aiming for timelessness is being advocated by designers to move towards a sustainable future.
From incorporating biophilia in the interiors to the departure of minimalism as we know, here are 5 interior design trends that are going to stay for the remainder of 2022:
Earthy Hues
Staying indoors made everyone appreciate the outdoors more. Nature has a calming effect on the human mind. To blur the line between indoors and outdoors, the use of earthy colours will be huge in 2022.
Only adding indoor plants wouldn’t do the trick. It can be paired with natural stone flooring, rattan decor items and incorporating a rustic look through timber furniture and accents. Nature-inspired prints, wallpapers and organic finishes create an inviting and prosperous environment.
Artisanal Wares
Supporting local Australian artists is gaining traction in 2022. Designers aspire to create unique spaces, and there is no better way than infusing a room with tasteful art pieces. Paintings, sculptures and local handicrafts will be appreciated this year. The creative industry was poorly struck due to the pandemic. Therefore, designers are appreciating local artisanal wares in 2022.
Sleek lines were a major interior trend until the curves took over. Be it furniture or decor, curves have created a new niche for themselves. Incorporating curves creates a soft, fluidic look which relaxes the mind. Since the interiors will now focus more on human wellness, curves will be in vogue in 2022.
Curved sofas, coffee tables and even rugs will not only improve the circulation of a space but also add visual interest and dynamism. Curves will be the defining factor of modern interior design in 2022.
Eclectic Maximalism
Designers have moved on from the minimalist approach to home interior design. The retro train of thought of bold interiors that exude a rich personality is back as a major design trend.
Spaces with a plentitude of texture, loud colours, daring material finishes and centrepieces that express authenticity are making waves in Australia this year.
Office Nooks
Another major lifestyle change seen in the post-pandemic era is the increase of ‘work from home’. Having a dedicated work area is a trend that is here to stay. Open plans used to be the go-to, but with major shifts in corporate structures around the world, home-owners are going for a functional home office.
Spare bedrooms can be easily converted into study areas. Access to natural light, storage options, and a working desk are the key requirements to set up any functional office nook. Office interior design is taking a front seat as a major interior design trend in 2022.

The Final Word

It is clear that the interior industry is moving towards creating functional and sustainable spaces that focus on wellness. Hence, these five trends for 2022 are going to stay for a lot longer. Australia will see a shift in its interiors as many beloved trends of the past will fade out.
Bildy provides Interior Designs for Bedroom, Living Room, Kitchen, Room, Office. We have the best Interior designers in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, and many other parts in Australia. Need Interior Design Services for your dream house? Email us today at

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