It’s a home that brings us a sense of security, solace, and pride. There are people who find peace in their old home, with their memories upkeep and there are some who want to remodel their homes as per new living standards and lifestyles.
Deciding whether to rebuild and renovate depends upon the owner’s happiness and satisfaction. Well apart from it, the other factors which play a vital role in deciding whether to rebuild or just renovate the home:
  • Property type: Choosing between rebuilding or renovation depends upon what type of property it is, whether it is a storied home or a duplex.
  • Property age: The age of the property becomes one of the important factors to know whether the house can sustain new construction and renovation or not.
rebuilding process
  • Site surroundings: The site surroundings and other neighbors should be well known and comfortable with the new construction or renovation that you might opt for.
  • Budget: The budget plays a vital role in deciding whether to invest in a knockdown rebuild or renovation.
  • Site conditions: The site topography and exiting conditions should be investigated and surveyed before the final decision is taken to understand which one would sustain the maximum in typical soil conditions.

Knockdown Rebuild

As time flies by, our requirements and needs also change with time along with our aspirations. A knockdown rebuild is exactly how it sounds like: the house gets demolished and it’s reconstructed as per your needs and lifestyle. It allows you to build a home on the same site as your old home, and live in the same colony and neighborhood with the same feeling of homeliness.
It is a popular choice amongst families whose families have increased along with their change in needs and lifestyle. The process involves:
  • Pre-approvals from the city council
  • Approval and further execution of the plan
  • Site surveys and finalization of plans
  • Clearance of land
  • Execution of the new plan
  • Hand over the new house
The Advantages of a Knockdown Rebuild are:
  • Cheaper option than opting for a new house or renovating
  • A whole new customized and tailored home
  • Increase property and land value
  • No hassle n buying new land or house
  • Suitable for families with changing needs
  • Live in the same neighborhood
  • Enjoy the increased space, updated fixtures, and design under budget
The disadvantages are:
  • Difficulty and Long await approvals
  • Need to move in temporary accommodation till the construction is done
  • Demolitions costs can be higher
  • Demolition can cause issues to an old and packed neighborhood
  • Power and plumbing connectivity
  • Financial delays

Renovation of the home

Renovation means focusing on adding new elements to the house for the improvement of the space. It can involve the up-gradation of the existing home interior, exterior or other improvements in the house.
Home renovation projects can be carried out for personal preference and comfort, maintenance or repair work, increasing the area and space by adding rooms/spaces, as a means of energy-saving, or with a motive of a secure home. It involves new updates like the installation of new appliances, and the addition of new hardware, lighting, and plumbing fittings and fixtures. Other works like repainting, adding new windows, adding extra storage in kitchens and rooms, replacing flooring, or repairing any outdated systems. Renovating revives a home space or a property without any major changes.

Advantages of renovating a home

  • Already an existing structure with a foundation, roof, and a superstructure ready
  • Saves money on new construction
  • No approvals required saving time
  • Can upgrade upon needs
  • Increases the value of land price
  • Financial benefits

Disadvantages of renovating a home

  • Style and needs do not comply with the building requirements
  • A whole new fixing to the house is required before the renovation, which again becomes expensive
  • Longer time duration in repairs
  • No customization is possible
After all the understanding, it’s time we understand the merit and value of the building. If the value of the building is good, one should opt for renovation without any hassles and long approval waiting time, or else rebuilding comes with an added advantage of having own tailored home. It gives you the opportunity and the freedom to design your own home based on your family’s needs and happiness. The last decision surely rests upon you, and Bildy helps you make the right decision, along with flexibility, affordability, and lifetime surety.

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